Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What's the total number of Yahoo! Answer Categories till now?
Hi! I am a student just want using Yahoo! Answer API, I want to know the exact number of Yahoo! Answer Categories till now although I knew it would keep updating... Thanks!
Can i get job seekers at 17...please read on?
right, im not able to work as im not mentally well to work as my doctor can confirm, well my parents are really struggling with money they cant even afford to look after me and buy me clothes so now im down to no clothes, and this builds up on my depression, so im just wondering if i can get anything from the government?
What would you do? I need answers.?
seek God. open a Bible. pray hard. be willing to do what God wants you to do. God is all wise and all knowing. pour your heart out to Him. first praise God, then turn from your sins, then pray for the whole situation and then for yourself. you have to be willing though to do WHATEVER God tells you to do. He loves you and you were created to bring glory to Him. seek Him. love Him with all you heart. let Him take over your life and let Him be your everything. :)
TVersity - too many folders!?
I have a new desktop and I just discovered I can stream from my desktop to my PS3. Well, the program I am using to stream is 'TVersity' and when I go into my PS3 and go under 'Video' to play a movie I have multiple folders, some with files I don't even have that can't even play under names like '212$@!2sc". Is there anyway to just have like four folders titled 'Movies' 'Music', etc instead of all the folders like 'Tag' 'Hulu' etc that come on there already?
Someone give me advice before he leaves!! please!!?
okay so im in love with this guy. i realize it this year after three years of knowing him. lets call the guy i love blue. so me and blue first met two years ago in a class we had together. we instantly clicked. we became friends right away. later on we started to become close and close. we would always make each other smile,laugh,and we never had a bad time like we never argued and ****. so then about 3 or 2 months before school was going to end, our teacher switches everyones seat including ours. he sat in one side of the room while i sat on the other side. we were far away from each other. we couldnt talk. i would just try and make him jealous. we still did talk but when we lined up in front of the door. the next day of the teacher had switched our seats. everyone went back to their own seat because they didnt want to move. he said oh wait, this is forever? and looked at me and smiled and i smiled back.we did still talk. over the summer we didnt talk at all. we came back from summer break and we didnt say hi or anything. we just looked at each other most of the time but never spoke. i did get over him but i would always get feelings back whenever i saw him and i would get nervous to mess up around him. we still did look at each other. then summer came again and we went back again. i liked another guy until december i liked blue again. my friends told me to talk to him so i did. at school it seemed really awkward. we didnt talk just looked at each other. i still liked him but we started playing this" game" where we would look at each other, he would walk really close to me, brush his body against mine and etc. we did that until the end of march. in february the day after valentines day he seemed really depressed. he wouldnt do anything just sit and look at me. my friend told me he was looking at me the whole time with a deep thought expression. he also sighed sadly layed on the floor said hi to her and sat back up. he also was still looking at me and sighed sadly again and ran his fingers thru his hair frustrated. i was worried and wanted to ask whats wrong but i didnt. we kept doing that "game" until the end of march. i started getting over him because i was tired of waiting for him to come around and talk to me. a girl i knew came to me and asked how was he because i told her i liked blue. i told her oh i got over him and i told her who i liked. one of his friends was in front of me and her and he was hearing our conversation. the day after that i stopped paying attention to blue. i started paying attention again in the middle of may. i saw he had changed a lot! before he was a quiet good boy. now hes an attention seeker and laughs at the littlest things from his friends. before he used to be with his friends from his country. now hes friends with people who are popular. he changed in a matter of weeks. lots of my friends said it was because he noticed i stopped paying attention and wanted my attention again and did that. im not sure about that but anyways i tried to talk to him again last month but he never answered the message i sent on fb. the next day he was looking at me a lot and started acting like himself again being quiet and was talking to his old friends again. he did this for a week. the next week he acted as the douchebag again which got me upset. i tried to ignore it but i couldnt. he would also still look at me even though he acted like a douchebag. he kept doing the same and tried to bump into me but never succeeded. on the day of the dance he was watching me dance with my friends. i would also get upset because he was dancing with other girls or grinding with them but he would look at me for like two minutes. when i would be dancing with my friends and him sitting he would look at me longer. on the day of graduation he was looking at me too. on the last day of school he seemed quiet. in a class together he had his head down and was looking in my direction. he wasnt loud. or laughing at small things. he was just talking for a few minutes then put his head down looking in my direction. in another one, i was upset because of him he was staring in my direction when he was talking to his friend. i was hearing music and i looked upset. even when he was in a group his body was always in my direction and i guess he would glance at me a few times. after class he was usually loud and yelling. after class he was walking slow and was quiet and was looking behind him. that is the whole story between me and him. what should i do? did he ever get over me? also hes moving next week to another country. i am friends with him on facebook. also i cant tell him face to face because school is over and i dont see him anymore.
When can I start housing benefits?
You will qualify for nothing once you leave your job so you had better start looking for another one asap.You have to be sacked/made redundant to qualify for any benefits,you do not get them if you give notice and leave .If you are sacked because you made yourself unemployable you will get nothing either so don't think you can be another drain on an already overstretched and abused benefit system.
How soon can I start getting job seekers allowance?
My hours have been cut in half at work so I've handed in my notice for two weeks time. When can I go to job seekers and sort it out?
In a dilemma with boy's liking me at a new school?
I've moved school's and I've only been there about 2 weeks. First day i was talking to this boy and i'll admit he wasn't the best of looking lads but he was nice, we started talking and he was being like an attention seeker, always saying your so better looking and i bet you will get with somebody else, and we end up arguing and we don't even go out. So, i don't want a relationship after my ex was verbally abusive and only made me more ill so it scares me to get into a relationship. So, when i started another boy was texting me and we started to talk. I told the first boy i only wanted to be friends with him because i don't want to have a relationship plus, iv'e only just moved and i wont to get to know people. So i start to text the 2nd boy and i start to like him alot and now i do like him and he likes me. But the 1st boy get's jelous anytime i talk to a boy, even if it's a mate. We argue on the phone! Now, the two boys are arguing over something and my name keeps coming in and out of it! The 2nd lad is meant to be a "player" but some people don't like him, but i said he's done nothing wrong to me so, why should i hate him? I can't tell the 1st lad i like him so he will shut up and stop being an attention seeker and the 2nd lad i do like, and people are coming up to me saying, oh i thought you liked him, not that other lad. And it's getting me mad. Because the 2nd lad said i didn't want anything to do with you, because he thought i was playing him but now he knows i'm not. Why should i keep somebody else happy and everybody else when it wont make me happy? Im so confussed HELP!
Why wont my bluetooth adapter connect to my phone or headset.?
My buddy gave me an EDR Class 1 bluetooth adapter a few months ago, and i just now got to try it. i hooked it up, installed the onboard drivers, and it said it was functioning. well i tried to connect my emerson headset, using windows to discover devices, and it wouldnt find it. when scanning with my enV Touch, i found it, but it wont connect.
Tax credits renewal help?
I have received my renewal pack and was about to fill it in but am a little stuck. My partner moved in on 28th august 2010 I reported the change on the same day my single claim was canceled and we applied for tax credits as a couple on the renewal form it is asking for my partners earnings for april2009-april2010 he was unemployed for that time and claimed job seekers allowance I'm happy enough to fill it in but he can't remember when he started claiming only that it ended the day he moved in also will this effect the amount of tax credits we receive because in that tax year we didn't live together. Also does anyone know where we can get the info on how much job seekers allowance he received in that tax year Thanks.
Yeast infection? or something else?
i am 19 and i recently discovered bumps on my labia and then it started itching and swelling. whats weird is that it is only on my left side. i also do not have discharge. i had a yeast infection a few months ago but i went to the doctors for that and it cleared up. could be another yeast infection?? someone help this itching is irritating!
Installous API inavailable?
i have no idea what is wrong with installous is it just me or theres more people.... when i try to open installous nothing happens it says api unavailable i think and then i decided to reinstall and see if it will get fixed but it hasnt so i dont know whats up if you have the same problem or know the solution i would love if you reply back ASAP:D... and yes i have wifi...
Hello, facebook api - want to know if its working in usa ? sm1 from usa kindly help?
Facebook api seldom works in nations when a website is made in any asian country.Someone from kindly check & let me know if its working or not
I just started my tank added fish and now the water is cloudy?
i just started and added fish to my 30 gal tank i am running a aqua clear 150 with the filter,carbon, and bio bag. the water is cloudy, i added accu-clear, and stress coat, by API. when will the water clear up, how often should i change the water it is stocked with 10 feeder goldfish 4 tetras one died and they ate it, and 2 double tailed goldfish about 2 quarters long if lined up. when should i add the snails? i had a tank before cuz all my fish kept dying and spent a lot on this tank supplies fish and accecories any help is appreciated.
What is Graphics API, and which is better?
I was paying WoW, and in the system details, it said "Graphic API" and a dropdown menu. It said I had on DirectX 9, but I could also go to DirectX 11. Which one is better, as in giving me moar FPS. Please and tank you. :D
New blackberry group?
I discovered an interesting new blackberry group "love rhymes“ would u like to join? Add me to add u 3158BD92
How to get revenge on this backstabbing jerk?
So I broke up with this girl in January and we're really good friends now. We have best friend bracelets and text every day. She started going out with this guy who was my best friend. He became a real jerk and doesn't let anyone near her. He's always calling me gay or a homo, even though I'm not. Long story short, he's not my best friend now and I need some really good revenge for all of his bad actions. He's even slapped/hit me. I can't do anything too grand because school's just been let out for summer but I need something that'll put him in his place. He also swears at me quite frequently. Just to describe him, he has short brown hair, an ugly face (kind of droopy?) and he's fat. Not bellyflab fat but he is quite plump. I've already put his phone number and email into Mystery Seeker. Please help me!
NROTC former drug use?
It will affect it against other people applying that have not experimented with it. A lot of people lie when they enlist into the Military. I personally did not lie and I have a drug waiver
Help with my 5 gallon tank?
I have a 5 gallon tank that I bought in April. I didn't read up on aquarism beforehand unfortunately, and I have had no luck cycling my tank. My ammonia levels are still always through the roof, despite my twice daily water changes. The nitrate and nitrite levels are still 0 (undetectable by my API master test kit). I have one sunset platy Left out Of all the fish I originally bought. Why won't my tank cycle? I thought low oxygen conditions might be to blame, so I bought an airstone and air pump. No help. I then bought an additional filter, which accomplished nothing but sucking up my 3 corycats and killing them . I am at the end of my rope, what can I do ? I use dechlorinator to make the water safe, and I add seachem stability with every water change . I vacuum the gravel (about 1/3) every few days.
Where does the Bible say that those who go to "Hell" will be burning for eternity and not dying?
It's odd. I've been a devout Christian my whole life and have never actually studied Hell in the Bible. I BELIEVE the Bible is TRUTH, but I have also found that so much is misinterpreted, so I have gotten very in depth with my studies lately. So right now I am studying Hell, and have not yet been able to find where the Bible says those who go to Hell will burn forever. There is a scripture about the righteous walking over the ashes of the wicked, about how Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of what will happen to the wicked, of how the wages of sin is death, of how those who believe in Jesus "will not perish but have everlasting life"...the choices here are perish (die) or live...So I'm not trying to get into a big debate. I'm just a Bible believer and a truth seeker, so please feel free to present any further evidence on this topic from the Bible. Thank you!
SOAP, API, WSDL, WebService what are they?
What are the relation between them? What are the differences? Aren't they all relating to web services?
Gasoline Tax... Did you know?
Why, YES, I did know! The Big Lie is that it is the "Big Oil Corporation" reaps the largest profits per gallon of gas sold when, in truth, the government usually makes the bigger profit from taxing every step of its production from permit fees to sales tax at the pump! The same Lie is used to villify the "rich" who pay more in taxes than anyone else... So long as we blame OTHERS the attention is off of "silver bullets" which apparently DOES happen when the price of oil drops on the same day the House passes a bill calling for more oil exploration:
How would you announce to the world that an Earthlike planet has been discovered about a distant star and that?
How would you announce to the world that an Earthlike planet has been discovered about a distant star and that its atmosphere contains gases produced by biological processes?
How can I restore my computer to its original factory settings?
Just check ur first restore date which is available. Now laps r coming with a c.d. or s/w which hav those facility in it. If u hav with u, try that.
Well my parents are Catholic. I rarely, well lets say never go to church. I never read the bible, rarely think of God. I want to read more about Jesus and what the bible states, as I'm not to familiar with it. Can you tell me where I can get a good one, that has everything in it? Online? How much do you think they cost? I feel like I have been selfish these past years, not thinking about god, just life. Have you guys heard about those Russian Scientists who went to Siberia and they discovered the sounds of hell, when they put a microphone down in earth and then it was melted in less than 19 seconds? That is scary! I also read about another statement of a doctor, he was an atheist and he said he revived a patient from death. When he did that, he said he wasn't a believer and the patient was screaming "Save me from hell, pray for me" Doctor: "I'm not because I'm a doctor, not a priest!" Nurse looks at him, Doctor does a prayer to keep the patient and the nurse of his back. The guy starts screaming " Save me Jesus," He does. I think it's real, god and the devil. I saw the devil once, AND I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY, THAT I'M CRAZY, BECAUSE I'm NOT! The reason why I saw him was because I told my mom to **** off, I was so mad that night! I went into my brother's room and the lights were turned off, and the room pitch dark. My brother, or so called devil, or demon was laying on the bed. I could tell there was something wrong because his skin was sooooooooooooooooooo red, I've never have seen a red like that before. I couldn't see my brother's face because his face was on the pillow. I was going to give him a kiss, but instead I turned on the lights. When I did that, there was no one in the room! I ran out screaming, almost crying. Also, I played the ouja bored once, and i can tell you that it works as well. There was stuff that just started happening, noises, in the kitchen WHEN NO ONE WAS THERE! It was a full moon, I did research because I was so curious to see if it worked. If you play on a full moon it's said that all the spirits are out wandering around, if u light a wax candle it makes it even better. I couldn't sleep at night, I was scarred as hell! The worst incident that happened was when I feel asleep, I felt half asleep and I could see my surrounding, WEIRD, anyways I saw something and I could feel a presence coming towards me fast as hell. I couldn't move and I knew it was going to jump on me whatever it was, I SCREAMED SO LOUD THAT I WOKE UP EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE. My dad and everyone where surrounding me and shaking me, it took me a couple of seconds, or minutes to wake up and realize that they were around me. I will never play that game again! I believe in ghosts, devil, got. Science only goes so far and then comes god!
My wee seven year old girl has been diagnosed with leukaemia?
and my partner and I have recently separated, we also have a four year old wee girl. Since the diagnosis, I have had to give up work in order to either stay with my seven year old in hospital when she receives chemo/needs treatment for infections, or stay at home to look after my 4 year old. My ex gets DLA, Mobility Allowance (I drive us to the hospital) and large amounts of cash from various cancer charities whilst I only get Job Seekers Allowance. I have written to these charities asking for some financial help but have not even had an acknowledgement of my emails. I am now in a position where I cannot help my children due to severe financial difficulties. Does anyone know how I can get help in order to help my children? I am male.
If a science textbook says it, it's true. If the Bible says the same thing, it's a lie. Is that logical?
Science tries to correct it's mistakes. Too bad you can't say the same for the bible. At least science searches for the answers.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I think i have Depression, please only read 18plus and experienced.?
I am so sorry you are hurting so right now; You mentioned you were on a strict list of foods...are you Celiac? Or Fructose Intolerant? If so, and you are "cheating" on your list of foods that wont harm you; the intolerance's to food act as an allergic reaction, (imagine getting stung by a bee inside your body, where you cannot see it...and you are allergic, the swelling, the pain, the systemic reactions...when this happens, it causes poor absorption of nutrients in food, the needed vitamins and minerals that makes your body and brain work properly...this could very well be the cause of the insomnia, depression, IBS and tendency towards substance abuse, just to get a break from what your brain and body are dealing you. I would seriously suggest a Low FodMAP diet (Shepard) for a month or two just to see if this helps, of course testing for gluten/lactose/fructose intolerance is always an option, but those test are not 100 percent reliable...I tested negative and suffered for an additional 12 years until I went gluten free finding out about the fructose intolerance to boot!! When your gut feels better, you feel on getting some sunshine to increase your vitamin D levels...low D causes much depression and insomnia! Think of your food restrictions like this: If I eat that, I will feel like crap...If I eat this instead, I will continue to feel good... That's why after you Truly become gluten free, you never want to touch it again...been there, done that, and I hope you do some Research into what you are eating that could be making all your troubles worse! Sincerely, hang in there, keep looking for answers, chin up...stay positive, be proactive, not reactive to the situation, ok?
Need help with macros in Word 2011 for Mac?
Hey, I am trying to write a macro in word 2011. As a disclaimer, I have never used macros before. What I am trying to do is open a bunch of html files and edit them. I have code written that retrieves the path of the directory the files are located in. The next part I am a little unsure on how to do. I need a way to traverse the directory and find files I need to edit and then somehow open them and edit them. Also does anyone know of a good website or book that has a lot of stuff on word 2011 macros for mac? Is there anything similar to the java class api for vba other than the msdn website?
Why is it hiding from you?
Why do people consider themselves 'seekers of god'? Is it skulking around hiding somewhere? Or are these seekers just not looking very hard?
Question for Islamic Miracle Seekers?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Popped blister not healing.?
Okay so one day I was on my scooter riding around town, and then I feel a sudden sharp pain on the bottom of my big toe. When I checked to see what was wrong, I discovered that it was a popped blister. It's about the size of the pointing finger's nail. It's been a week and it's looked the same, except the skin on top of the pop is yellow and hard compared to the rest of my skin. The blister is where the bottom of the big toe, like the other side, but where it bends. What should I do ?
Gmod mac loading error?
I just got it today. It worked perfect the first time and loaded quite fast with no lag in game. Then I tried to exit it to check something and used the escape key, it quit with an error report. Since when i try to load it I get a never ending loading screen and I'm stuck with the beach ball loading cursor... It said something about the engine in a seperate window with a Steam api error but I'm not sure if this helps.
Does salt hurt snails?
I just got a new mystery snail (hes still floating in the bag right now) and I was getting ready to add him to my tank. I use aquarium salt in all of my tanks and I was reading that any kind of salt will kill snails. Will the API aquarium salt hurt him? I dont want him to die..
Charged with ABH and GBH S18?
for the second part of your question, i would tell the police what you know that you believe that he did not injure his mother, she self inflicted it, and see if the neighbour would be prepared to back up your statement, yes he should be charged and punished for what he did.
Please could you explain this decision to me, I am currently living in temporally council accommodation?
may be your conditiion is very bad, its ok when your condition will be good you can choose your options.
Depression 14 Girl.... VERY LONG, PLEASE READ THOUGH?
hi lv, don t doll ,dint t think like that ,my gran also killed herself and it hurt so bad , she missed out on loads now , all her grandchildren and great grand children , she would have loved it , but she killed a self when a was 12 and am now 44 , the people you leave behind hurt so much doll , a still cry over her and miss her so much , she would have made such a deference family's lives had she not done that, so you so young ,you need to be strong and see your self in a diff rent way , a have daughters 13 and 14 and it would kill me to think they would not come to me when they feel so down ,a would do any thing to help them , not be mad at them, try talking to your mam on her own right time not when she is shouting when she clam , please don t do that ,for all the right reasons people love you ,things do get hard when you grow up ,but take one thing at a time ,and a day at a time ,so what if you don t get good grades , a no loads who have and who have nt ,and they all have jobs some don t but most of the ones did nt do well have jobs , so don t stress over exams ,a was crap at school and now a run a livery yard with horses , just be you don t stress over things like them ,
Entry-Level Flight Attendant Job Seeker? - some of my friends used this site to find entry level part-time jobs in restaurants and department stores.
I see that some trainers have lv. 60 or so pokemon. How do I get those with the vs. Seeker in Platinum?
I was looking at trainer rematches and some have lv. 60 pokemon. What event do I need to do so that the trainers have lv. 60 pokemon? (this is in platinum). I use the vs. seeker and one hiker has 2 steelix but the guide says he has camerupt and donphan and steelix. help!
Fin and tail rot, or ammonia burn. please help. need to know soon!?
I have a comet goldfish, shes in the tank with another goldfish, a cory catfish, and a small pleco. I first started to notice little white dots on the ends of her right fin, but just on the ends. I didnt know what it was so i kept an eye on her, I woke up yesterday morning and her fins were torn up, the base of her tail was bright red, she had red streaks almost, kinda looks like blood, going down her fin. as well as an open red sore on her side. I immediately checked the levels in her tank, her ph was off so i did a water change, hoping it would help. I redid the test and checked the ph and the ammonia, and everything was fine, but now i see my other goldfish is starting to look like she did when it was first happening to her. I did my research, lots of it, and discovered that ammonia burn can cause many symptoms including red streaks in the tail and ragged fins. But I also read, in many locations, that fin and tail rot can be a result of ammonia burn because the fish is left weakened from the ammonia, or something like that, is this true? I'm very confussed, because if it was ammonia burn the streaks and everything should calm down once the ammonia levels are back to what their supposed to be, which her streaks did calm down, but now my other fish is getting ragged fins too. Is this ammonia burn or fin and tail rot? what should i treat her with? i have api tc (have no treated yet, but i read that api em works better. what do i do? please help. (sorry its so long, i wanted to give as much detail as possible so i can narrow it down)
Currently working 7 hours a week, can i claim Job Seekers Allowance?
you should go to citizens advice. they will give you more details on what you can claim. wouldn't bother with dhss. they don't tell you what your entitled to...
Is this a good idea for a possible novel?
I would well read that book! Im really into myths and history things in novels, and so are many other people I know! If you wrote and published that, I'd probably spend about �14 on it :) Please, go ahead and write it cos it will be a success if its done just right! You could turn it into a series of books, like where you spread the story over three books? Each book would be about 300 pages long :) I'd say over all there would be three books with your story in it. That way, the reader isn't overwhelmed and put off by a book with masses of pages (as most people wont buy a book if its like really thick) and it will result in more profit for you if each book was priced at even �10 :) Good luck! I'd love it if you contacted me while you are writing the book to get a second opinion on some stuff?
Can't Report a Problem to Nexon?
I need to contact Nexon because, when I log on to Maplestory, it says make sure you signed in when I try to enter a channel. However, I am logged into the website. But, when I try to send a Ticket to report my problem, I get this message . I don't know what to do now... so please help.
What is best makeup to cover melasma?
I have just discovered that I have Melasma or Pregnancy mask on my face and especially my upper lip. I am trying to find a makeup that will cover it with out feeling like sludge. I do not care how much it costs. What is the best?
What are some 'easter eggs' in mystery seeker?
exactly what it says. i know the ones like typing in the name of the site or poop or hello. i mean others. fyi an easter egg in mystery seeker is like some thing that triggers an automated response like typing in poop will get a ' mystery seeker is not a toilet!" or whatever. thanks.
What motor oil does a 2011 Hyundai Sontata come with? Does it have regular or syenthetic oil?
Hyundai Recommends API Service SM*3,ILSAC GF-4 or above for oil changes. They also recommend Quaker State. I believe the only oils that meet those qualifications under Quaker State is Syenthetic Blend and Fully Syenthetic (I think) what is the oil that comes with the car.
A warning about deprecated API is coming when i compile the below program?
Why didn't you tell us what API generated the message? I can start my IDE and copy and paste it to find out but phooey, I shouldn't have to work so hard to give you free help.
How to fix the brink launch problem?
If you have a legal copy over Steam or CD, which is tied to Steam anyways, right-click the game on your library page, click properties. From there, click the ''local files'' tab. Then, click ''verify integrity of game files''. This should take about 5 to 10 minutes (e.g. 5 mins on 7200RPM HDD), depending on your HDD's speed, and it will fix any corrupted or missing file situation. Try launching the game once again. If you still cannot launch it, right-click the game and click ''delete local content''. This will uninstall the game. Then re-install. This should definitely fix your problem. If your game is torrent downloaded or any other kind of illegal copy, since the game is multiplayer based, nothing you can do.
Girlfriend told she's not eligible for job seekers allowance, HELP?
even if she had paid enough contributions, she still wouldnt get it because you are working, if you live together then you are classed as a couple, if your wage is that bad then tax credits and rent/council tax allowance will top up your money
How to talk to my school counsellor?
The feelings you say about yourself is why you do need to see the counselor. You'll be very surprised how easy it is talking with a stranger. They know nothing about you and are not judgmental .... they should not judge you. They will help raise your self esteem. Please don't let principle MAKE you go, be grown up and do it yourself. Be OPEN and WILLING to learn more about yourself. Good Luck
Will i just need to wait? UK answers please?
Yes - you will not lose out. They will give you the same money (one way or another) that you would have got if you had a bank account when you signed on.
Monday, July 18, 2011
How to use the Yahoo Finance graph in my website using API?
You could use an iframe. However, I would check in their Terms of Service (located at the bottom of the page your referenced) to see if what you are doing doesn't interfere with their intellectual property rights. I was looking to do something similar but decided against it after reading the TOS.
What should I do? Please I could really use some advices here :(?
Listen, you need to find her and talk to her. Things may not be as they seem. All you can do is talk to her. Hear say things aren't always true.
Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence (Multiple choice)?
A is the incorrect one. You would need to have a comma both before and after the word "ultimately".
'Emo',-cough- I dunno what that is..Help?
You are not emo you are scene! Its when you dress like it and listen to music like it but you are not depressed with your life. Emos do cut themselves that is why they have the term emo short for emotional... Mainly they do it for attention or for the point of causing themselves pain!
What are good hiding places for diaries?
Ok so I have to hide my diaries in more secure locations. Currently, I have one under my mattress, and the other is in an ed hardy perfume box. The perfume is in a plastic molding so there is space underneath it. I feel like it may be found since my mom is home all day and I have found that she looks through my things. If anyone ever read my diaries, they would never speak to me again, I will be sent back to anger management, therapy, and counseling. I will be sent to a psychiatric ward. There is serious stuff in there and secrets that noone can ever discover. So what sre some good hiding place? List more than one. And please nothing crazy, like in the vent or in a wall. I need it in my house and room preferably. Thanks.
What can I use to lower the pH in my fish tank?
cool im from SD too! don't use any ph chemicals. just get a small piece of driftwood. it should lower it a little. i have both driftwood and co2 and my ph was i think 6.8 when i tested but when i got it tested at petsmart, they said it was 7.2..
Fin and tail rot, or ammonia burn. please help. need to know soon!?
I have a comet goldfish, shes in the tank with another goldfish, a cory catfish, and a small pleco. I first started to notice little white dots on the ends of her right fin, but just on the ends. I didnt know what it was so i kept an eye on her, I woke up yesterday morning and her fins were torn up, the base of her tail was bright red, she had red streaks almost, kinda looks like blood, going down her fin. as well as an open red sore on her side. I immediately checked the levels in her tank, her ph was off so i did a water change, hoping it would help. I redid the test and checked the ph and the ammonia, and everything was fine, but now i see my other goldfish is starting to look like she did when it was first happening to her. I did my research, lots of it, and discovered that ammonia burn can cause many symptoms including red streaks in the tail and ragged fins. But I also read, in many locations, that fin and tail rot can be a result of ammonia burn because the fish is left weakened from the ammonia, or something like that, is this true? I'm very confussed, because if it was ammonia burn the streaks and everything should calm down once the ammonia levels are back to what their supposed to be, which her streaks did calm down, but now my other fish is getting ragged fins too. Is this ammonia burn or fin and tail rot? what should i treat her with? i have api tc (have no treated yet, but i read that api em works better. what do i do? please help. (sorry its so long, i wanted to give as much detail as possible so i can narrow it down)
Can someone help me with this Runescape Glitch?
Well i have been playing Runescape for a while now but I think i have discovered a glitch. I was wondering around Runescape and i desided to attack These Outlaws(level 32). I was attacking them for about 10 Minutes untill i finnaly noticed that i was getting barely any experiance Exp. I would get only two Exp per Outlaw. It was quite unusual but I didn't know if it was supposed to be like that or not. Can some please help me out?
Can I claim job seekers allowance before starting university?
to claim jobseekers you must be actively seeking a job. as you possibly wouldnt want one for the two months then they would be entitled to say no. and if they find out you have abused the system by lieing then then will prosecute you
Should i give this to my platys?
If it's a 7 day feeder, break it to make it smaller an remove what's left when you return and they should be fine.
Would you eat that thing?
Definitely. Just because I like to live a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean I can't have the occasional treat of junk food.
Is this a good idea for a possible novel?
Brad and Jasmine are both 13 year olds who live in Chicago, Illinois and attend Alexander Graham Bell School. Soon their history class takes a field trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art. When they get seperated from their group, they wander around the museum. They bump into their math teacher Mr. Leapis, who transforms into a bull and attacks them. They get saved by their history teacher Mr. Hedge and he takes them away from the museum, who explains to them that Mr. Leapis was actually the Apis bull. He leaves the class with the assistant principle Mr. Chamberlain. He takes them to the Trump International Hotel and Tower to room 645. When they enter the room, it magically turns into three times it's original size with an indoor pool and more. He tells them that his real name is Astiel and for them to call him this. He also reveals to them that he is the "link" to the god Heka. A "link" is the most powerful person in a family that is descended from an Egyptian god. Astiel says that the Egyptian gods must have a link unless they want to be trapped into the Duat. The Egyptian gods that have a link are allowed to roam the earth in a lesser, more human form of themselves. Jasmine is revealed to be the link of Isis and Brad is the link of an unknown god but a god that is as powerful as the main gods. Astiel also says that the Egyptian gods Isis, Osiris, Horus, Set and Nephthys all created a lair in which they all live that is on the top of Willis Tower. Astiel takes them to this lair (the Lair of the Gods). Horus tells them that his link Kevin has been captured by the god Maahes. He tells Brad, Jasmine, and Astiel that they have to save him before the summer solstice, which is in twelve days. Along the way, it is revealed that Brad is the link to the god Ra, and that Kevin was captured in order to give power to the god of chaos Apep. It is revealed that Brad must stop Apep before he is freed but he needs the help of the five links to the main Egytian gods, meaning he has to find the link to Osiris, Set and Nephthys.
Atheists, Why does gay marriage land lead in pedophile cases, child prostitution, gay rape and child porn?
notice how the popularization of the internet came around the same time as extreme muslim jihading against the united states. Therefore the internet causes terrorists.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind chronology question.?
Alright. So i get that the movie is extremely out of order, and ive managed to get my head around the order of most of the events of the movie :meet at beach party, relationship, brake-up, clem gets her mind erased, joel gets his mind erased, meet a second time after joel runs away from work (beginning of the movie), he brings her home where the tape is discovered (end of the movie). The only problem i am having is this: When they first meet at the beach party, Joel pokes fun at clem by singing the "Oh my darling clementine..." song. Later along the timeline the two are talking on the train as new acquaintances. Clem tells Joel not to make fun of her name and specifically references the same song. Joel, however, says that he has never heard this song. Could it be that his knowledge of this song was erased with the rest of his memories? It almost seems that on the train Clem remembered Joel and the say that they had at the beach and is attempting to jog his memory in hopes that he remembers her as well. Also, when they first meet at the beach party, Joel says that she was quite comfortable around him, as if they were already lovers. It seems that all these events suggest that they knew one another even before the beach party. Does anybody have an explanation?
Should countries be allowed to refuse aslylum seekers from countries they are at war with?
it would be risky for the USA to take people from iraq, afghanistan and pakistan if they have current military action against those countries
What are good ways to learn how to write an API?
Our team would like to write an API for our site - what are good guidelines for writing a secure and streamlined API? Are there good and available principles that all good API developers follow.
Api aquarium salt question.?
I have a 55 gallon tank and I put 1 tbs per 10 gallons like it says but what I wanna know is when I do a water change do I just had the salt to the water I am replacing into the aquarium or should I do it again for the entire tank. Any help would be great thanks.
What to do with Benefits money each month?
I presume you are thinking of putting this bond in your father's name in order to keep it away from your creditors. Pay them off first. You effectively stole �20,000 from people who trusted you to pay them. As a bankrupt you will find it very hard to get credit and start a business so you must pay this off as quickly as possible,
Not counting X-men #9. Are there any comics that actually show how Professor X lost the use of his legs?
I'm not sure about the 616 storyline, but there is an issue in the Ultimate series where Magneto throws metal shards into Xavier's legs.
I have a bad ingrown toenail. Help :(?
I've had it for over a month now. When I first discovered it, I cut it out, or so I thought. It quickly got worse and now the skin around it has gotten swollen, hard, and thick, keeping me from cutting it out. I think it's infected and it's very painful and sensitive. I tried fixing it after a long hot shower, but no luck. Normally I wouldn't put out an embarrassing question as this, but it's so unbearable now that even a slight touch causes me a lot of pain. Please help, or give me suggestions?
TV series similar to?
well there are the movie dungeons and dragons (2000) and dungeons and dragons: wrath of the dragon god (2005). also, the "alien nation" series and movies are pretty good, along with "the event" on tv now.
Is GOT2B Dry Shampoo a good product?
I've just discovered dry shampoo, That being said, I saw one on tv called Banese or something, but when I went to the drugstore, the beautician said the got2b dry shampoo was her favourite and the best one out there. Does anyone have any opinions on this brand of dry shampoo or what brands are really good? I have dark med to dark brown hair. and they really work?? is the hair fresh and clean after?
As an Asylum seeker with no status, could I apply for a job in the UN as an interpreter?
This is not the place to ask this type of question. If you are who you say then you NEED a lawyer. But as an American I say go back home and fight for your freedom like Americans did in the past. This country is overrun with people who have no business being here.
Very big issue involving cats and our new landlord, what should I do?
If I were you, I'd confront the landlord and be honest. Mention that they have no place to go and your only option is for you to take them in. Most apartment complexes (actually I think all) charge you extra for having pets in the house. But to be honest I had a cat in my apartment and my landlord or manager of the complex never knew nor found out. I find it the right way to be honest because if the landlord were to find the cat and you never told him/her then that's twice the penalty. Just be honest! :) Good luck!
How to act infront of recruitment agency?
I am multi skilled, can drive lorries of any size (but no experience commercialy), got a degree in construction, and was an engineer workin on heavy tracked vehicles for 5 years. i have paperwork experience etc, and fully capabale all sorts of softwares including autocad and microsoft office. whenever i go to the agency, they always ask what i want to do, i always say anything because i am literally multi skilled, is this so hard to believe? but they always turn me away!! or when i say lorry driving, or engineering they always tell me to apply online. why? clearly they got it advertised and people apply by hand, not just online! when i was down south during my degrees getting a job through agencies was easy, up here in the north (manchester) it is much much much harder. I always wear trousers, shoes and shirt with tie. what am i doing wrong?? if they ask again what do i want to do, what should i say? is there some kind of key word, for example should i say 'industrial' so it doesnt confuse them when i talk slightly out of their language? i guess arriving on the friday afternoon isnt a good time, perhaps monday mornings at 9 then! please help me, i dont want to apply for job seekers!!! this question is UK based
If we prioritised 'asylum' applicants would the numbers drop drastically?
If 'asylum' seekers who claimed they were physically abused or sexually abused were given a medical check to show they were at risk going back home would the numbers of 'asylum' seekers drop or go up? Would there be twice as many 'asylum' applicants with fresh self inflicted injuries?
Hi!!! I was running my ipod 4g on a firmware of 4.3, installous got messed up, when i searched it said "API UNAVAILBALE" and when i try to install it says "IPA UNAVAILABLE" I'm Seriously FREAKING out, so i restored it, and ofcourse updated it to 4.3.3 , now i got installous and same thing!!! I HATE IT!! and i tried appsync, but when i add to the sources APPSYNC 4.0+ does not show up!! Please help!!! Thnx!
Can i go on holiday and keep my benefits?
Im an irish citizen im planning on going on a two week holiday in july but worried that il have to sign off my job seekers allowance and miss them two weeks.... Although i have heard that anybody on job seekers allowance are allowed at a max 2 weeks per year of not collecting your payment while not losing it... CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!????
Sunday, July 17, 2011
HELP ME PLZZZZZ.College.....?
Look up your intended school at They put a map of unweighted GPA versus SAT scores on one of the pages. Plot your GPA vs your SAT and you can estimate your chances.
Does She qualify for Income Support?
Hi my siste r works, but her job is seasonal. She will be out of work for the next 4/5 months and is worried about her living expenses and her rent for the time that she will be without a job. Since her job is seasonal, she will return to work in November. Does she qualify for Income support / Job seekers etc. I have no idea how to advice her. Please advice. Thank you. H
What are the advantages of housing asylum seekers overseas and not in australia?
such as Malaysia and can some one explain what is exactly happening with the asylums and where the opposition stands in this?/?
In examining an organic compound, you discover that it contains the following functional group. What class of?
B, R--NRR' are amines, alcohol is R--OH, carboxylic acid is R--COOH, ester is R--COOC--R, ketone is R3C-CO-CR3
High nitrates, no explanation. Need answers.?
I have two saltwater tanks, I have had problems with them before, but never this bad. They are usually between 5 and 10ppm, but today I tested and they were at 20ppm to start, I retested thinking I made a mistake then it read 40ppm. I did a water change today as well, I'm trying to get the nitrates below 5ppm for corals. But they rebounded and now it is out of control. I am not sure what I did, I have been doing this for years, I am not a beginner. Also Ca has dropped to 360ppm. It usually stays at a steady 450ppm. This is bad for my snails seeing how they need the calcium for their shells. Any advice or ideas would be appreciated. Is it my test kits? are they off? have they gotten too old? Also I have a 10 gall that has been cycling for a year now with live rock and sand. I tested the nitrates in there and it read 160ppm!!!!!!!! How is this possible when there has been nothing in there to create nitrogen gas for over four months? Three days ago when I tested it nitrates read 0. Do you think it could be my testing kit? I use API Saltwater, and it has always been accurate before. So any thoughts? BTW all other levels checked out as they usually do.
What is my point in existence?
So at the minute I'm seriously down, real down. I am a 17 year old female & right now I am at rock bottom. I tried my hardest at school to get the best grades possible & to be straight, they wasn't so great. I struggled to get into college, then 6 months into college I dropped out because I wasn't good enough for the course, even the tutors told me that, even though I put 100% effort into every session. (I studied Photography, but I no longer want to persue a career in Photography) Since I quit college, I have been searching for a job near enough every day. I have applied for countless amounts of jobs & not one has come back with an interview for me. I've applied for office jobs then jobs such as McDonalds & Dominos. At this rate, by the time I reach 18, I will be on Job Seekers Allowance & if that happens, I will be so upset, I don't ever want to be on Job Seekers. I just don't understand my point in existence. Even my 14 & a half month relationship with my boyfriend is on rocks at the minute. I can't ever see me making a change to this world & I know you're all gonna say 'Your family love you' etc etc. I just don't even know what to do anymore.
How do i use api fungus cure for my fish?!?
I have two oscar fish in my tank. My one oscar has a white cotton fungus on its body and her fines are braking off..... I used maracide at first because I got told it was ICK it is not working! So I went out and got Fungus cure API. The directions for use sucks I cant figure it out. I want to be 100% sure on what I am doing. Please help me if you know on how to use this fungus cure API!
How does API Algaefix work?
i have a type of brown algae that is growing on my plants and artifical plants as well. will this get rid of my problem
What could I 'invent'?
I have to create a presentation about a new invention or a product that I've discovered and I wish to sell it over to a business company. What could the product be? Something interesting, thanks!
I'm going on rollercoasters for the first time?.?
I'm going to six flags for the first time tomorrow.. I'm going with 5 people who love rollercoasters and have all been there. I'm 19 and have only been on small ones. I dont mind heights and I like being scared.. But I'm not a "thrill seeker." any advice?
Interactive 3D web ambient?
I need a software/plug-in/API, to make an interactive 3D web ambient. I still don�t know whether I will make the scenario in 3DS Max, Maya, Sketchup etc.. Something that allow people to interact in a virtual world and also web compatible.
Do Christian churches create atheists?
Do Christian churches create atheists and sheep believers by failing to do what Jesus said ( raise the dead, heal the sick etc which are so convincing of God) and by becoming seeker friendly and producing fake miracles to get money ?
Wanting to get hurt, is it normal?
I don't know. Sometimes I just want/hope to get hurt. Like getting hit by a car or something like that. Or wanting or hoping that I get some disorder or sickness. I don't really consider myself to be an attention-seeker though. And I know how bad it is to get hit by a car or get some sickness but.. Ah, I don't know. So, uh, is it normal?
What are these manga?
OMG... I absolutely love both of these mangas. The first one is Watashi ni xx Shinasai. You can read it at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a The second one is Barajou no Kiss. You can read it a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Also, if you end up liking Barajou no Kiss, then you should try reading Stray Love Hearts (SLH). I can pretty much guarantee you like it 'cause the plots and drawing styles are really similar since they have the same mangaka.
What can help my lesbian friend?
Okay, so one of my good good friends, let's call her Alexa recently discovered she is lesbian, well maybe like a few months ago. She's been having a hard time. Her parents and grandpa don't like it. Her dad was an alcolholic. He did drugs. She has bad parents. Her mom punched her in the face wenn she was little. Alexa had to go to a foster home. But then she got out of it. Her and her two sisters and cousins live down the street from me. Alexa was telling me how she's not happy anymore and hates her parents. The other day, Alexas mom was telling her how she shouldn't be lesbian and stuff. Alexa was so angry, and said "**** u!" her mom said.., "I bet you'd wanna." i thought that was really horrible! And her grandpa said.. "u better fix urself." her dad said... "that is sick and u should not be lesbian." I feel so bad.! Alexa even cut herself. She promised me she would never cut herself again. She does see a counselor btw. Alexa was telling me how she wants to have a girlfriend. She's is 9th grade. There is some girls in her school who are lesbian, but she told me they are not her type. Alexa does not have Internet at home. I want her to find someone.. Do any of you know of any like, lesbian groups in Massachusetts?? For people in high school!
On which platform should I start developing?
I am very thorough with C++ and OOP. I am familiar with all the topics discussed in Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ guide. I still wonder how people write super applications like Photoshop, Windows, Maya and so on using C++. Next thing I am interested in learning is how do I create my own API's/Frameworks and SDK's like the Windows MFC, Mac Cocoa, Java AWT and so on. I am also unsure on which platform I should start developing. There are lots like Windows MFC, Cocoa, Java, Qt and so on. Basically I am more interested in how I can understand and write an Operating system in C++ and how I can create my own API's like MFC, Cocoa, OpenGL, DirectX and so on. I also wonder how people write firmwares and codes for drivers.
How do you make a mission for mystery seeker and put it on mystery seeker?
I was on MLIA and a ton of people had posts about giving people missions on mystery seeker. How do you do that!
I ate some mozzarella cheese that smelled horrible but it wasnt expired? am i okay?
i was making hamburger helper and sprinkled some mozzarella cheese on top only to discover later that it smelled horrible, but it isnt expired. Has it gone bad? what will happen to me?
Been off the birth-control pill for 2 months and still no baby what is the problem?
i had a IUD for five years, when the five years was up in december i switch to the pill which i was on from early december til april... i recently discover that i have a thyroid problems which i am taking meds for now. me and my husband are having a lot of sex but yet i am not preggo! please what is going on.. Its almost July and i was really hoping to be preggo by now, any advice?
Gasoline Tax... Did you know?
Obtuse regulation and those that hide their contempt for progress and America behind and in the EPA are strangling all the working and struggling stiffs. The tax is obscene also. If and when by 2050 we become totally green, they will have to tax heavy to make up for all the revenue lost on the fuel taxes,so we will never really save anything including the planet.
Abortion? should i or not?
right hi, im pregnant yes me and my boyfriend has been together for 3 years but lately weve been having problems, im only 17 and i was using protection but somehow the condom split! dont judge me i have booked an appointment for a termination because i dont want to bring a baby up in a relationship thats a mess, we have no money and it wouldnt be fair i dont want to be 1 of these that live of job seekers allowance. i also want to go to uni for medical school. i havent told my boyfriend should i? HELP PLEASE
Atheists, Why does gay marriage land lead in pedophile cases, child prostitution, gay rape and child porn?
I used to live in Oklahoma. There was more perversion and incest there than in the Netherlands. You can CLAIM christian superiority, but facts show otherwise.
Question for Islamic Miracle Seekers?
All the science in the Qu'ran that is "correct" was already noted by Ancient Greeks. The off the wall stuff, like Sun setting into ponds, or the world flat like a carpet, was from Mohammad. For example camel pee has no medical advantages neither does a fly's wing on the left, Mohammad had many off the wall claims.
Where do you go when you die?
Where do you Go when you die?Before you answer this I have my own answer.First Off I deal with Facts and Science,Not stuff like preying to this God with Almighty powers that can Do anything blah blah.If there is a god There called Aliens,Many people Believe them selfs to be God.Dont think like this Almighty dude in heaven no!The Definition of God Is to build and Destroy thats Every man and female very good point.Alot of people is scared of Death......Epic fail First off theres no need to be scared because when it comes You really wont know so just live it up.Ok About Death....Scientist long Ago Discovered a Basic Fact you can never Fully kill Energy,Energy in humans is in the form of ATP molecules (adenosine triphosphate) Our spirit) is trapped inside our Body which is The prison once the Body Dies you move on (Reincarnation) your Born Again instantly Energy Dont just vanish.The Fact Remains You cant kill Energy....But Is it a fact of Reincarnation Of corse not Thats just a Opinion.Now the Question is Where Do you go when you Die?
Just discovered mold in my basement apartment, green and white and fluffy?
I was away from home for a couple of weeks, and when I came home today I walked into a very smelly, damp feeling apartment. I've only lived here since March, but since the weather has warmed up I did notice it was very cool and damp all the time - I was kind of relieved with the cool air, didn't need to buy an air conditioner, but the dampness concerned me a bit. Anyway, after cleaning almost everything in my apartment, it still smelled very strongly, kind of like sewage but more just like something rotten. I looked around and came across a big patch of green mold in my bedroom, just above the baseboards, and it looked like it was growing down under the carpet and smelled awful. I'm staying at my boyfriends now and took my pets with me, but I'm feeling really off, like nauseous and really tired with a headache. Is this serious or should I just wait it out? Thanks in advance.
How do i run data in a .csv file against a real estate website? api?
Ideally, I could get a report that would give info from the website like home value, date last sold/bought, etc.
Please could you explain this decision to me, I am currently living in temporally council accommodation?
It basically means that the council has judged that it needn't assume responsibility for finding new housing for you, as you should be capable of doing so yourself.
What would happen if I said to someone with BPD who was self-harming " you attention seeker"?
What would happen if I said to someone with BPD who was self-harming " you attention seeker" and how would they react to it?
I have some itchy red spots on the soles of my feet.What can I do about it?
And I want to know what are they and the cause of it. Sometimes, my hand have them too but disappear after a while. My feet also Sweats quite a lot and I mostly discovered them after taking off my socks. 10 points for the best answer and I need to know what to do if u have some ideas. This is quite urgent as they itch a lot. Thanks!!!
Second chapter of my novel?
I didn't read your first chapter, but if you really want to publish a series of chapters, you should go on online websites lke booksie....I think.
Will there ever be a season 3 of legend of the seeker in 2011 or 2012?
Unfortunately Legend of the Seeker was cancelled, but the semi-good thing is that they resolve a lot in the 2nd season and give you a somewhat satisfying finale. It's very unlikely they would pick the show back up, but enjoy the 2 seasons they give you :)
Cabal account recovery help?
Ok so 2 years ago my PC broke and i wasn't able get on cabal i now have a PC but cant access my cabal so i made a new one with the same email thinking that i had just forgotten my account details but just discovered there was some crazy stuff happening cause cabal left OG Planet and i want to know how can i recover my old account or at least a character. please help!
Is height an issue for me ? I'm a guy 5.5 ft.?
there are plenty of girls out there that are shorter than you. dont try to find someone, just let it happen.
How do I know if my guy friend is gay ?
Okay so , I've known this guy for 2 years now , we're both gonna be juniors in high school this fall . Anyways , when I first met him , he was super nice and (we met during cross country ) after a few weeks I discovered he didn't hang out with guys other than his younger brother . Then , freshmen year came and we kind of got out of touch since I didn't have any classes with him but I saw him everyday at practice and we'd talk and his voice was very soft and girlish ! There are also these popular girls on our team and they love teasing him , but he gets very shy and kind of avoids them or hides behind me . Sophomore year we had 4 classes together and he got mean but he would be sentimental at times and apologize . I realized he really enjoyed messing up guys' hairs and he acted kind of mousy around them . Keep in mind that he had several friends who were girls : me , J , J , and N . We were his "true " friends and he was pretty mean and abusive to us but he'd also be nice and show us his deep voice . I apologize for the lack or organization in this question but it's been on my mind for so long ! And , his cousin wants US to go to junior prom together ... I once asked him if we likes girls and he said no but during elementary school he liked his one girl but I don't know if he's lying or not . So , help please ? No trolls , thanks .
Exchange rate confusion?
here's a thumb rule.. what u were seeing is a buying and selling rate of WON.. so when u try to sell any currency in exchange of WON that means ur buying WON from Thai currency and vice versa. It's just like buying an apple for 1 dollar, here apple is a WON and dollar is a currency ur paying for buying WON.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Girls, if you saw a guy wearing suit-and-tie all the time, would you consider it a turn-off or a turn-on?
I mean, do you think he looks like an "attention seeker", or would you consider him a a guy who has a high sense of "respect" towards people?
If there was undeniable proof that God did not exist, would Christians still believe?
do not respond "how can you prove it?"; it is a hypothetical question, maybe pretend something like in Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy where it was discovered that aliens are fabricating and monitoring earth
Backup? or attention seeker...?
So i'm in this band called Define Authority and i'm the lead singer. But thats not the problem, the problem is my friend, who is a backup singer, is very loud. No one can hear themselves play. She is an alright singer but she is overpowering everyone else. theres thhe link to me and her singing so you can get an idea of her. I sing the "i could use a dream or a genie or a wish" she sings other bits. this was edited on garageband so its not a fully idea. but anyway, how do i tell her that she sounds too loud and it doesnt sound very nice. She will hate me forever if i tell her because she thinks she is very good. And she is offkey too. Im trying not the be selfish, in fact, its because of the other people im doing this. No one can hear themselves and it is stuffing up everything. Plus she is backup and yeah.... And dont say, if she is a real friend she will understand, cuz she takes everything to heart. we tried turning down her microphone a bit but she got angry and left the room. so please, how do at least HINT that it sounds kinda annoying
Tiny particles in new tropical aquarium and fish are dying?
Your tank is overstock for the cycling period. That why the guppies and your other fish is dying. So now you should do a 25% water change to clear some amonia from the water. The recomend fish stock during cycling period is one fish per gallon of water so four guppies will be better for your tank. Return the swordtails and let the tank cycle. When you notice all the level are good (A: 0 ppm, Ni: 0 ppm, Na: <25 ppm) then start to add new fish slowly, two or three at a time and get all your fish in within a month. during that time continue to check the water quality.
If you work fifteen hours can you still claim job seekers?
the clue is in the name .... Job SEEKERS allowance .... if your out of work and looking for work, you can claim
How should i deal with takeing my adderall for ADD?
the doc prescribed 30 mg ir adderall for my add adhd .im also on xanax for anxiety..ok so the doc prescribed the 30 mg tab once a day;...but im a big guy i wiegh like 260..and the adderall doesnt last all day ill be in the middle of something and come down from it and ill loose my focus and get ill take another .and when that wears off i usualy take like a quarter of a 30mg adderall wish is like 11 and a half mg.and then thats it. that seems to gets me all the way threw the day..but at the end of the day when it completly starts to fade i experience like micro mood swings..ill be fine then sad then fine then sad then ok then ok then sad then anxious then so ill take my xanax xr to helo with erritability and anxiety and slight works..but i dont kno if that right. n do i keep takeing it to get it worked up in my that the problem .do i have to take it for a while to see if its gonna work for not excessive when takeing them.i just take enough to get threw the day...wich from what ive read isnt much diff from alot of ppls doses..but so do i let it build up in my system..or should i not take it..cause we tryed anti depressants befor and they dont do anything im just curious i wanna figure it out so i can find the perfect dose and not have to worrry about wether im gonna feel like crap in ten hours or if ill have moodswings..there not big moodswings.none else notices it .there just like random..and only when im on the 21 by the way so i dont kno how to talk to my doc so he doesnt think im a pill seeker...cause im not...i just wanna get threw the day without being miserrable or lazy ....plz no stupid rude pointless comments. if its not answering the question dont answer.
Why would a guy settle for cheaters and drug addicts?
Why would a guy "down grade"? I mean I went out with this guy and I am rich I live in the nice part of town and I am socially popular. I don't claim to be the most gorgeous thing on earth, but I am very cute. I have a great personality, I mean I'm not bitchy or mean, I am always a thrill seeker and ready for a great adventure and I have a lot of guy friends. So I went out with this guy who was a little older than me and who was kind of "a loser". Well we went out for almost a year and a half and I thought we were really in love and we were great for each other. Well out of no where this guy dumps me and then a few weeks later wants to get back together then a month later dumps me again. Well now he has been in and out of relationships with single moms and, well the social rejects of society. I'm not trying to be mean but these girls have slept with half our town, they don't have jobs and put no effort into getting jobs, they mooch off the government, they are drug addicts, and they just aren't very attractive and they are mean! I would not put these girls against pit bulls because the poor dogs would probably get killed. And these girls have all cheated on him, and when they do he calls me up crying about it. So I'm not trying to be conceded and say I'm better than these girls but I mean I am nice, I have morals, I'm not a whore or a drug addict. I work at my daddy's law office so I at least have a job, and I actually loved this guy and never cheated on him. So why on earth is he settling for these girls? Thanks for your answers and please no mean answers!
What is the best indie band?
recently I discovered Indie music, love noah and the whale, band of horses - what else is there worth listening to in this area of music?
Problems with my nitrogen cycle?
Hello, I have bought my first fish tank last March, and have been unable to start the nitrogen cycle. In the beginning I have made the mistake by adding too much fish too the tank, and most of them have died. Now recently 1 of the shops here sold me API cycle, and I have used this in my fish tank, and within a couple of days my ammonia and nitrite and nitrate apeard, then when my amonia and nitrite levels showed up as zero, I have added a clown loach and a synodontis cat fish to my surviving 4 neon tetras 4 silvertip tetras and 2 platties, and last week i have added a couple of java ferns. The problem I have now is that my Amonium levels are up to 2ppm, no nitrite levels and low Nitrate levels, is this bad, as the shop advised me to stop water changes, but I am worried that I will loose my fish, PLEASE HELP.
Is this a good idea for a possible novel?
Brad and Jasmine live in Chicago, Illinois and attend Benjamin Fullmer Middle School. When they are attacked at their school assembly for bullying by the Egyptian god Apis, they are taken by their history teacher Mr. Salvadore to the Lair of the Gods which is on the tip of Willis Tower. The Lair of the Gods is where the Egyptian gods Isis, Osiris, Horus, Set and Nephthys live, along with other minor gods and their servants. While there, it is revealed that Mr. Salvadore is actually the Egyptian god Heka who was sent by Isis to watch over them. Isis reveals that Jasmine is her descendant, and that Brad is the descendant of an unknown god. Horus explains to them that a very powerful dark force is awakening and is trying to kill his descendant Kevin. Brad, Jasmine and Heka go on a quest to save Kevin and they encounter many Egyptian gods that are minions for the the dark force that is emerging. This dark force is revealed to be the god Apep, and that the reason Brad was chosen is because Brad is the descendant of Ra, the sun god and the enemy of Apep. When they return to the Lair of the Gods, it is revealed that the Prophecy is being unraveled and that Brad must be the one to defeat Apep with the help of the five descendants of the main gods.
Question about Tap Water Conditioners?
Do you know if your tap water has Chloromines honestly just add 6 drops per 1 gallon i use aqua safe don't know if i have chloramines in my tap water but treat as i do any way .My tap water has chlorine i know that much .
In what order should you add aquarium chemicals to a tank?
Im about to restart a drained Biorb aquarium I have. I have API stress coat, API stress zyme, Tetra correct PH 7.0, and Jungle Labs plant food tabs. I was thinking i would add water and stress coat, cycle it for 24 hours, the correct PH, cycle for 24 hours, add the stress zyme and 1 or 2 fish, and then a few days later add the plant tabs. Is this a good order? How do you know what order and how soon to add them? Also, should i add the live plants when i add the fish? I'd really apperciate any help.
Why do birds take a dump on our cars after we got it all nice and clean?
I'm dead serious. I JUST cleaned my car yesterday and got it all nice and shiny. I get in my car today, only to discover a giant white splat on my back window from a stupid bird. What on earth is wrong with them? Do they seriously aim for shiny objects? What do they do when no shiny objects are around? Hold it in?
Was Moses the first person to discover weed?
Bible says that Moses went way up to Mt Sinai where he discovered a mysterious burning bush which took him higher.
Sex problem desperately need help?
You probably had problems because you were so anxious. Sex should be pleasurable and I guess it would help if you were actually attracted to the girl and turned on. Next time I suggest being comfortable with the girl (not just a quick fumble in the dark) and take the time for foreplay.
As a sci/engineering grad how much does institution matter in job search or graduate admissions?
I am pursuing a computer science and math BS at a lesser known university. I have ambitions of studying operations research on the graduate level. As a job seeker or candidate for grad admission, how much does school reputation affect my acceptance or desirability? Could minority or nontraditional status offset any detriment this could cause to my app?
I want to die. Please help me.?
Oh my gosh how did you even know what suicide is when you were in the first grade? In grade 1 I was only 6 years old and had no clue about these things! Sorry to say his but it's not a bad thing.. You need to speak to a professional. I know maybe you won't want to hear that but trust me I went through almost the same thig as you when I was a teenager. I saw my psychologist on a regular basis and I actually thought she was the only one who understood me. Please don't kill yourself. If your mom is in any way harming you then you should really do something about it. Please get some help! It doesn't even have to be a psychologist just someone you can trust like a best friend or relative. It may seem hard to realize at times but I know and you know too that there is someone who cares.
My Blackberry 9300 won't connect with bluetooth HS-300! Help!?
I just bought the HS-300 bluetooth and I've aready paired it which means that my phone discovered it but when I try to connect it, it says ''Connection to HS-300 failed''. What does this mean and can anyone help me pls?
I am depressed, and my family isn't helping?!?
When you look into a mirror, what do you see. It should be the most important person in the world to you. No one can take that away from you,except you(as you mentioned suicide earlier). You know you really don't want to do that. I know,I've had those thoughts and even plan before. I'm still here and have several college degrees.I also have a couple of genuine friends,one I can tell things to before I even say anything to my family. You may have someone like that in your life. there are lost's of people out there that would like to help you. You said you are popular at school, so you know how to get along with others.You are going to have to take things one at a time,and live each day with an outlook that's positive.Not as hard as you think. Just saw a program on TV where many kid's-teen's-young adults were living out of there car or living in a cheap motel because not enough money was coming in. Sounds like your family may be having some financial problems also,but it is NOT your fault. Try and do your best in school and make good grades. Talk with your guidance counselor,favorite teacher or any other adult who you can trust.Things change quickly,and I'm sure your parents are worried too! They argue,and most times money is mixed in there somewhere.Again,you do your best, and try and hook up with as many school activities,during and after, as possible.You are old enough ,get a parttime job,babysit, or volunteer for something ,OUTSIDE of your home. Remember ,first step is looking in the mirror and try and do the best with the person starring back at you.Most people are thinking about what you think about them ,not about you.And try and take it slow w/the guy you say you love, if he really loves you ,he will understand and try and help you w/your problems,as I'm sure you would do for him. Don't use this relationship as an escape route from life. You have plenty of time ahead, and sounds like you are intelligent,and have no problem making friends. Think about all your friends, and if you think there is one that you can really trust, start talking with them. And don't forget to be a good listener to them also, as you may be able to help them w/o knowing it by listening. And while this is going on, see what common problems you both may have,and the two of you work together to solve this/them. This will be a start,and let me know how things are going. I'll be looking for you on this site. Good luck,and happy days are going to come sooner than you think.
How soon can I start getting job seekers allowance?
My hours have been cut in half at work so I've handed in my notice for two weeks time. When can I go to job seekers and sort it out?
Which is the best engine oil for Bajaj XCD 135 dts-si ?
Which is the best engine oil for Bajaj XCD 135 dts-si?Iits mentioned in the manual as SAE 20W40 of API SJ or SL + JASO MA grade. What is best brand & the specification,can any one help me on that.
How can I get discovered on youtube? (PLEASE ANSWER!)?
Okay you should show your page to every one and Of course practice ALOT Until you know that its so goo you could play it to the world and not screw up once people know and realize your truly good they will subscribe and tell their friends about you then u will become famous through them and also take up lots of offers by going to karaoke nights and all of the best to get famous and get your name out there i wish you great luck :) <3 Hope I helped
Psych or an attention seeker?
I had a friend who seems a bit... off everything she talks about has to do with negativity and death. what really scares me is that she wants to be an abortionist and she's turning 19 in July. she's held true to this statement for about 4 Years now. I'm not one to pick a job for her, but she hates babies. I mean people say that on the occasion but she wants to purchase a dead fetus and put it in a jar and set it up on mantle... that's SICKENING. I mean yes there are abortionists but I'm sure they don't take babies' lives out of pure hatred for them. idk I'm not an abortionist. she also had a tendancy In the past to laugh at kids with physical disfeatures and disabilities. idk what's wrong with her... but I worry for the people around her. if you can you can IM me at and I can share more details and maybe come to a solid conclusion
How can i get rid of this bubble next to my nose ring?
I'be had my nose pierced for about 6 months n I've had a few infections but just recently I discovered a bump around my ring a n even bigger one next to it! I need help my nose piecing was leaking white pus and blood I don't know waht to do I don't want to have to take it out some one help me please!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
I feel so upset for my boyfriend?
wow i think depending how old he is re-do gcse however he will have to pay if he is over 18, he really should have worked harder doing gcse 2 gcse's is really not good unless they are in maths and english and they would have to be A*s to make up for the failures of the others
Aquatic plant in fish tank help!?
Stop disturbing the gravel so much, or at least don't uproot the plants, make sure you've got sufficient lighting and perhaps add something like Seachem flourish, or a DIY Co2 injection system. Plants like Co2.
People on job-seekers allowance, are you getting all of you're money?
Since my claim was moved from my local office at Illford in London to some office in Glasgow I dont get a fraction of my jobseekers allowance. And why would a claim be moved from Illford to Glasgow, they dont have enough scottish claims to deal with or something?
My friend is an attention seeker and going way too far!?
ok i'm gonna get straight to the point one of my friends is an attention seeker (it's starting to drive me insane, she is also my sisters friend and they are also pretty close, my sister has an eating disorder, depression and has self-harmed but she only tells this friend about how she is feeling, and now this friend has come back to me and almost telling me what my sister has said and claims she had and eating disorder, depression and cutting her wrist, but when you see her arms it is clear the has been no cuts or anything i know this is quite breaf and may not sound likeshe is but i know she is and it's doing my head in :| what can i tell her to help and tryto makeher stop she has a serious problem!
23 Weeks pregnant and stressed about money & what I am entitled too UK only?
well i know here in ireland that when the baby is born you can claim extra money like 26 euro per child you have a week it will be added to your job seekers. you may be entitled to money for clothes and buggy cot etc they do that here but not for everyone. it should be pretty similar in the uk go to your community welfare officer dont know what they are called there and ask them they will be able tell you what you are entitiled to
What's wrong with my rabbit's skin?
I had a hamster with these symptoms one time, and the vet told me that it looked like a skin fungal infection. They have shampoos that you can buy to get rid of it. Make SURE your baby doesn't have ANY bugs that you can see, but keep in mind, some parasites are too small to see. Keep an eye on the wound and the flaky spots, if it starts to spread, take him to the vet! He may just have dry skin, or the cut may just be trying to heal. If you notice it spreading or him scratching at it alot, this is usually the sign of a fungal infection (kind of like the mange) or a parasite problem. Just keep an eye on it! Make sure it doesn't spread and that he's not losing hair! Good luck!
Really, what should i do... its bothering me..?
ok so i have a friend (met in grade 8) now still is (shes atheist) (we've been friends for 4 yrs).. but theres also another new friend whose really close to my friend(b4''she'' came.. me and my friend were really close..same class.. go shopping etc. pretty close friends too) ..its like everyday well its summer... but during school weeks and stuff, they're holding hands. its bothering me cuz that friend (new one).. i discovered that shes really clingy to my best friend and always wanted to hold her hands.. everytime i see them they hold hand and talk and they're having fun.. but me.. i feel really awkward.. btw.. they're my friends too but i dont know wat to do.. if i say something they'll ignore me.. its bothering me for a week now... personally, the other friend.. i respect her but i dont like her... should i stick to other friends beside them and ignore them... im scared that they'll do something... also the new friend and i..we're both christians but she always hold and hugs my best friend and they're sort of forgetting about me.. they always sit together in front of my face >.
Gas leak after refurbishment?
After having my kitchen refurbished by local housing i discovered that for 3 weeks i had 2 gas leaks one in cooker now condemned ( never failed gas safety check before ) and the other in my main gas meter after it was moved higher, Would i be entitled to a claim. I signed a non liability form but this was only for electrical items so does gas have a higher standard and notwithstanding the fact that 1 / if i was not on holiday for 2 weeks or was cold any time for the week i came home me my daughter and dog could be dead. I believe cooker was broken after being moved in and out many times and gas meter leak was caused by meter being raised. anyone's help in this matter regarding possible claim would be much appreciated
I installed Mo'Creatures in minecraft for mac but othing happened?
I did everything this video said and i have mod loader audio mod and gui api installed because i see global mob settings and global mob options in the ingame menu, but Mo'creatures doesn't work, help please. I have a mac and the latest version of minecraft.
I'm having trouble installing LaTex?
Whenever I download MikTex I get an error along the lines of 'WINDOWS API ERROR 2' and then it will tell me I am missing packages. Why? I have tried multiple mirrors and also the LyX package but I keep getting similar errors. Any suggestions or alternatives?
What is Co-Browsing ?
Co-browsing, in the context of web browsing, is the joint navigation through the Internet by two or more people accessing the same web pages at the same time.
Is Mormonism a Christian religion similar to Methodism or Presbyterianism?
As we face the fact that two Republican candidates are Mormons, it is time for people to get serious and discover what Mormons believe and determine if these beliefs make them just another branch of the Christian faith or something so bizarre, so outrageous, so aberrant when compared to the Orthodox Christian faith that it is time to take a close look at Romney and Huntsman.
Can you get help to pay for a HGV 2 training if you are out of work and on job seekers?
I am a stonemason and was made redundant. Im looking to change my career but I don't have the money at the moment.
How long does it take for nitrites to show up in a fishless cycle?
I am currently on my 8th day of fishless cycling. 8 days ago I added 5mL of ACE 10% ammonia solution to my 29 gallon aquarium. I've read on multiple fish sites that niTRITES should have already been registering on the test kit by now (API master) but so far I have no niTRATES. I've been a little worried since the first day I've started the fishless cycle with too much ammonia, I did a 25% PWC yesterday and the ammonia to me at least still looks to be the same level as before. It's really hard for me to tell which green it's on with this API kit. Anybody that's done fishless cycling, how long has it taken before you've seen any niTRITES? Should I drain all the water and start over? Any suggestions on what I should do? Or do I just have to wait it out another week...
Where can I get some .308 API ammo?
I'm looking for the ammo, not bullets. I don't have the means to reload right now but I would like to get some .308 API ammo. I have found some on the net but they were expired auctions that were already sold ( Anyone know of a company that makes them or a trusted site to buy from? Any help is MUCH APPRECIATED! Thanks!
Is there anyway to get the radio station death fm to play in a car?
I recently discovered this radio station called death fm on the internet and love it. Is there anyway to get it played in a car?
Were can i find these types of gloves but in different patterns/colors/designs?
Is there inherent prejudice given to unemployed versus employed ( but looking to move) persons?
Yes, there is an inherent prejudice. Granddad was right, though I don't know if I would say it's quite ten times. The longer you've been unemployed, the more of an issue it's going to be for an employer. This is going to be a subconscious consideration for even the most generous and open-minded employer even if they don't think it is. When the economy is not doing so well (like now) it's much less of a factor but it would be unrealistic and naive to say that it's not something they'll consider.
So what do you think?
you're a very cute girl. don't let anyone tell you any different! but you didn't ask about cute, so o.k. pretty!
I'm going to be homeless in less than a month?
My parents are moving to a different city at the beginning of next month. I have nowhere else to go. I have no job, I'm on job seekers. I'm 20. What the hell should I do. Even if i do get a job before then, I will still not have enough to rent a place. Help please...
Guys, Which type of girl would you rather date/hang out with?
I like attributes of both. I would like to have a nice girl who also loves to have fun but not break the law. I'm tired of girls being scared of a Merry-Go-Round at amusement parks...
Am I eligable to recieve job seekers allowance?
You are ELIGIBLE to claim JSA from the day after the official end date of your college course - providing that your mother is no longer in receipt of Child Benefit. Child Benefit may still be in payment treated as being in payment until the end of the summer term. You should contact the Jobcentre.
Substituting levothyroxine tabs from US with thyronome tabs from Abbott India.?
I'd be very leery of taking a non-prescription Levothyroxine. You probably wouldn't have felt much different from skipping 10 days of your Levothyroxine since the half-life is 8 days. I would immediately go back to your own prescription and stop the Indian meds.
Who are the hottest anime guys and anime couplesIdo you agree with me?)?
I haven't seen much anime but I do agree with the ones that I recognize. But you've forgotten Inuyasha x Kagome and (my personal favourite) Kyon x Haruhi.
Job Seekers Allowance Info?
At this meeting you will get to sign for your money and he will look on the computer for jobs in the industry sector that you are looking for a job in and after a couple of more signing on dates you will be booked in for a back to work session where you will given sheets of info about agencies and organisations that can help you find a job.
Does anybody still listen to Skinny Puppy?
My favorite musical group. Just wanting to know if anybody still listens to them... well, that has the ability to answer this question, of course... I can't call myself a fan from beginning to end because I discovered them through one of my dad's old CDs. I'm only 16--I started listening to the older albums at age 13... but they are timeless.
If you were me would you bother confronting this jerk?
I have a friend who I recently discovered is not a real friend at all. Its a long story, but for starters he has sabatoged a past court case of mine. He is gay and did not want the "man" to get into trouble. (the man did sexual assault) Also he has told many stories and lies, never stays consistent. and he has stopped calling me, avoids calls, makes excuses. and he has done some pretty crazy things to me. When I tried to confront him on how he has said certain things, he of course either changes his story, or forgets his lies all together!. When he heard I was going to charge someone with sexual assault and Sue a School, he made a comment that a "dyke" was charging him with sexual assault and he had to go to court, so couldn't spend the day with me. way later, he changed the story..he lied, he was just mad and said that cause of the man i was going to charge. I didn't end up pursuing the case, my so called friend was also a witness and he basically messed up my whole case..and took off afterwards. I dropped the case against the school. he also has done some pretty nasty things. I mentioned a job i wanted to apply for, he ran and tried to get my job!. And he only calls if he needs something. theres alot more to this, but its too long a story. Basically if you had a freind who was making subtle hints at you, then later denying what he had said, even pathologising you..etc never staying consistent and forgetting his lies. Is it worth confronting this jerk? Or would you just move along. I want some advice this is bothering me alot.?
Lsass.exe - system error HELP!!?
When booting my pc, I get the following message box "lsass.exe - system error" with the following explanation "Insufficient system resources exists to complete the API". The computer will only allow me to reboot over and over with the same message each time. Why do I get this message and how can I resolve this problem? Windows XP is pre-installed and I have no XP disks.
What are australian people like?
i want to know more about the australian people. what is consider polite and impolite to do there. how friendly the people are,and what kinds of food i may discover there. i plan one day to go to australia, it has been a place i really want to go. i met a new zealander at a christian music festival, he seem really nice. could anyone answer my question? thanks
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Why does the UK have 400,000 asylum seekers when Australia only has about 5,000?
Australia will only take the bare minimum number and only offer the minumum assistence, and the government states that it will always put its own people first.
Why are ridiculously low salaries offered nowadays to well educated candidates?
Most of the recent college grads cannot find job and those who do get job offers, discover that the rate being offered is ridiculously low. For example, I graduated with bachelor of science in mathematics back in 2008. For many many months there was no job that I could find. Then I gave up hunting for job and instead decided to pursue master's in math. When I heard news by the phony Obama circle that "job market is picking up", I started to apply for job. Then I finally got a full time job offer as "energy analyst". I then discovered I am being offered 13.50 an hour only. That is ridiculously low job offer for someone having bachelors in math, computer science, engineering or physics. People make that without any degree working as cashier in store. I questioned why 13.50 an hour only and the recruiter said in an apologetic tone, "this is all we can offer. times are tough". After some more conversation I discovered that it is a "temp" job. Then after some more conversation I discovered that there are no benefits being offered. Then after some more conversation I also discovered that, "training will not be paid. first 4 weeks is training". So he is saying that for the first 160 hours I work free because training is not paid. And then its also a temp job. I thought after 160 free hours, he will just say "its temp job so its over now" and take a lot of work. I refused the offer.
Very painful periods?HELP!?
Go to the doctor. The pill can help with bad cramps but you need to go to the doctor to make sure it isn't anything serious. I was having terrible cramps and heavy bleeding and most other things you listed and found out I had ovarian cysts. Take my advise and see a health care professional!
Can i apply for job seekers allowance?
i have just finished uni this year (graduation ceremony in july), like many others i cant get a job. am i allowed to claim job seekers allowance? what about housing benefit? im renting above a takeaway and pay directly with cash to the family which i live with (not related to me, i just rent a room), so formal contract as such. i hate this economy, i dont want to do this, but i have no choice! yes i am uk citizen and i have never applied for any other benefits before.
At what point do I tell my wife that she as a son?
So you had sex with your comatose wife? I really want to be there when you tell her that. That will be so funny. Congatulations.
Any good songs like the ones by ludvico einuadi?
I'm a teenager who's discovered that there's more to music than the charts. Any other good inspirational songs??
Just booked a hoilday and they said they need to check api ??? give passport number what do they check?
why do they need it ? im asking because me and my daughters n=surname has legally changed due to me getting married (to my daughters dad) that's why her name has changed to ?(she now has a new birth certificate will they be able to check this?? my travel agent said we will be ok but never heared of anything like this be for
Is a bamboo tablet as good as the intuos.4?
Ok, so for years I have loved to draw, sketch, and now i've been thinking about painting! but painting can be very expensive with buying paint canvasses, and such. A few months ago I discovered Concept art, and I am absolutely blown away by the creative arts of concept art, and I want to be able to do what concept artists do. After much investigation I learnt that concept artists today use computer art software (like paint but 100x's more in depth) and they use tablets to paint on the computer software. So I am trying to find a good tablet, not to expensive, but has good sensitivity specs for painting, drawing, etc. Anyone out there who is in concept art, uses a tablet, or have any good insight for me would be greatly appretiated!
Why am I such an attention seeker?
I have been slashing my wrists and legs for a while now although I keep them covered at all times... however I have been thinking about cutting all my fingers off lately and the thoughts are coming on strong I have had the knife on top of my fingers quite a lot and contemplating doing it. How do I stop?
Help with a boarding school story please?
Maybe instead of it being a normal boarding school, make it for witches or psychics and they go there thinking they're going to train their powers but the professors (think of an evil sounding name for them as a group) want to use them to fight against humans and repopulate the earth with superior beings. Just a thought, change what you want, use it exactly, or disregard it. It's all up to you :) Good luck!
Shouldn't you be employable to get unemployment benefit/job seeker allowances?
Now this may be a little controversial but shouldn't you be able to speak the language of the country you reside in to be able to claim unemployment benefits? For example if you come to the UK but cannot speak any English how can you be classed as unemployed if unemployable. I am not thinking about asylum seekers or illegal immigrants but perhaps dependants or from EU countries with no English language ability.
How to effectively lower ph level of my aquarium fast?
Aquarium salt will make the problem worse, so stop adding that. The fastest way to change it will be to get some Reverse Osmosis or Distilled water and do water changes with that. Another option is adding peat, that will really help too.
How long is a temporary suspension on xbox live?
It's a 24 hour ban so it will end at 8:01 PM tomorrow. Censoring your words with asterisks does not keep you from getting banned.
Black Beard Algae problem... NEED HELP!!!?
Using Flourish Excel kills off algae. It increases the carbon available to vascular (the kind we want) plants and causes most algae types to turn gray and disintegrate. You can instead use small doses of hydrogen peroxide but it's too easy to overdose this product.
Need help with my API test kit?
I lost the manual with the directions in it... could anyone tell me a website i can print off the directions on or would someone be kind enough to copy it down on the answer from their book so i dont have to buy it again. Thanks!
Psych or attention seeker? continued?
I do ask her if something else is wrong and if she can talk to someone. but she just brushes me off. her sister tried to help her but she just gave up. I'm not going to give up but there's only so much a person can do. and if she doesn't want to talk then idk what to do. she has a therapist and idk what she shares with him/her. she moved... erm almost 2 years ago to Texas because of a divorce her parents had, so that could be it. but from what she describes she says the schools, housing and people are better. maybe she is upset about the divorce but she won't tell anyone. her sister gave up on asking her anymore questions but I don't want to. she just shuts herself out from everyone except for her online friends. I'm just kinda stumped on what to tell her right now :/ she does admit she has a hard time sharing feelings with people. I'd just like for her to have someone she can vent to face to face because I'm not in texas. I'd love to hear what she feels and has to say but I guess she doesn't want to tell me. I would like to find her someone she can talk to tho and get what she is feeling out of her system. I just worry about her
I want to know more about skysquare soccer camp?
I am seeing some traces of scam in it, I sent a mail where i asked questions and also some other few things was noticed by me. I discovered that the mail id on their site is different from their admin mail used to contact me. The account provided Via mail for payment to be specific was Liberty Account and it was not listed on the official site. I think their is something wrong. I will like to have more clear picture and if possible more facts or reports about them in the past.
Mediawiki api, how to find the author of an article any how?
is there a way to get the original author of an article in mediaWiki using the mediaWiki api? if so how?
Access api using .net?
How do I connect to a 3rd party api using .net ? the only thing that i have for the api is the key. I have tried using the Http client class but it keeps returning a login form regardless of whether I append my username and password or not. I tried accessing the page using the url but for some reason I can't get past the login form. Any ideas?
If it's your husband who had the affair?
Is it normal for a mistress and the married man not be friends anymore once the affair is been discovered? And why?
What is your opinion on asylum seekers?
Most of them are economic migrants trying to fiddle the system,they should be returned home immediately.Why do they cross many national borders to get to britain,only one reason and it's not safety.
Do you think there are portions of our brain that we have not yet discovered?
I totally believe this. But there are way too many 5 sensory people on this Earth. We will never be able to use more parts of our brain. If we do it's only going to be VERY few.
Have this chain letter ever worked for anyone?
This is absolutely a scam: Ponzi scheme. It's also illegal and subject to prosecution by the USPS.
What type of engine oil should i use?
It all depends on the vehicle and driving habbits. the numbers are weight and viscocity. The synthetic is a purely manmade replacement that lasts longer and has more additives. go by your owners manual and/or contact your local dealer
He used me and I am so upset. How can I move on?
I dated a guy I worked with for a few months to discover that he had a girlfriend. I knew something wasnt right the entire time. Everytime I tried to express my feelings about the situation while we were dating but he woould always tell me not to worry, he liked me A LOT. I just knew something wasnt right. In the end he said I was childish, he never wanted to date me because I was crazy and that I needed to get things right in my head before I could ever be with anyone. After he said those things he wouldnt let me say how i felt. Its been a month now and he has started to flirt with me again. I dont reciprocate but it upsets me. How can i move on?
How can i get discovered?
Hey guys now im a really great singer { ive been told } but i want to get discovered does anybody know any producers or something like that . i just want my dreams to come true.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
How to convert Nm3/h of Air to Nm3/h of another gas?
Hi, I have calculated the thermal venting of a tank using API 2000 and have found the venting rate in nm3/h of AIR. I now need to convert it to blanketing gas. can i assume that the flowrates are equal or do i apply F2=F2x (SG2/SG1)^0.5 ? does this apply only to nozzles or can it be used on any fluid in any situation? help slightly confused.
Who interest Coleus root buying?
We have 50 MT Coleus root.OTC Drugs and API Formulator,Herb extract manufacture people to whom interest contact…
Gay relationship advise?
I've been there. Trust me, no matter how much they cry and feel like crap for doing what they did, they're just going to do it again if you take them back. Get back at him by making him want you more than anyone else and then walk away from him. He doesn't deserve you, and no, monogomy is not too much to ask in any relationship.
I work for a job board that gets decent traffic. How to make money ?
If you want to try something that works One of the few legit things on line but won't get rich overnight Takes work (like all good things) and Many affiliates making 5 figures a month or more Great support and Free to start so what have you got to lose Just copy and paste my url into your browser bar and see what I'm talking about
Should i spk to my friendds about the fact that i self harm ??? or hm i dunno .( help ? )?
okay well first i would just like to say sorry for all the wrong spellings nd stuff ( because i know that anoies some people :P ) and well basicly i have bn self harming for about 2 years or somthing like that and im around my friends alot so they have managed to figer out that i self harm but theyv never told me that they know about it and i know that they were spking about it behind my back to my sister ( then my sister told me ) should i spk to them about it or wait untill they bring it up ? ( if they ever do ) but i wouldnt know what to say and i cant stand being with my freinds now because i just always have the horrible thought that they know in the back of my head and i just feel like im anoing them and im anoing myself . once agein relly sorry about the spelling and bad grammer im kinda sleepy . sorry if iv waisted ur time :S oh and a reson why i havent spoken to them about it is my bestfriend bleives that all people who self harm or have mental ilnesses are just atention seekers so shed probs ignore me if i did properly tell her .what should i do ?
In a dilemma with boy's liking me at a new school?
I've moved school's and I've only been there about 2 weeks. First day i was talking to this boy and i'll admit he wasn't the best of looking lads but he was nice, we started talking and he was being like an attention seeker, always saying your so better looking and i bet you will get with somebody else, and we end up arguing and we don't even go out. So, i don't want a relationship after my ex was verbally abusive and only made me more ill so it scares me to get into a relationship. So, when i started another boy was texting me and we started to talk. I told the first boy i only wanted to be friends with him because i don't want to have a relationship plus, iv'e only just moved and i wont to get to know people. So i start to text the 2nd boy and i start to like him alot and now i do like him and he likes me. But the 1st boy get's jelous anytime i talk to a boy, even if it's a mate. We argue on the phone! Now, the two boys are arguing over something and my name keeps coming in and out of it! The 2nd lad is meant to be a "player" but some people don't like him, but i said he's done nothing wrong to me so, why should i hate him? I can't tell the 1st lad i like him so he will shut up and stop being an attention seeker and the 2nd lad i do like, and people are coming up to me saying, oh i thought you liked him, not that other lad. And it's getting me mad. Because the 2nd lad said i didn't want anything to do with you, because he thought i was playing him but now he knows i'm not. Why should i keep somebody else happy and everybody else when it wont make me happy? Im so confussed HELP!
I used to hate you whats with the change of mind?
ok so there is this girl i absolutely hated when i first met her in september, i thought she was an attention seeker and just fake pretending she cares about everyone and saying she doesn't hate anyone which i thought was bollox i hated her so much i was going too dish out the dirt to the press and at one time i almost hit her i felt so angry with her, but now everything has changed and i cant get enough of her, why had this happened? i just don't get it. please help
What is the secret behind the triangle bermuda?
I want to know more about triangle bermuda, the first time it discovered, who discovered, the risks that have met it by the people want to know more about it?.
One parent working family. what are we entitled to? please help?
You might want to make an appointment with the Department of jobs. It sounds to me that you should be eligible for public assistance. Getting welfare is almost a given when you are a single mother with a child. You would get food stamps free or discounted medical care and public assistance to help you live on. Once you go back to school this could decrease a bit but only because you might be granted more financial aid and grants for school because of you current situation. I know its very difficult to decipher what they are talking about when you research online ( i swear they write in code) but if you get a case worker then you have someone who helps you understandall of the things and options you have.
I would just like to know if we could qualify for Council accommodation?
Hi there, I live in a completley different country so I wont be able to tell you. but the only real way for you to find out is to go and fill out the forms and see. you wont know until you try. goodluck
Brink(PC)i installed the game updated everything and it give me this message?
Looks like a compatibility issue or a messed up install... you might have to reinstall the entire game and the patch. But judging the messages it looks like there's a compatibility issue with your graphics card and/or it's driver. try contacting the game company's costumer support or check around Google.
Whats wrong with my ph in my 20g fish tank?
why cant i get a reading in ph with api tester should trust stips and go back to them change water ammonia is at 0 and fish seem fine what do i do
Job seeker benefits and college course?
if someone cannot afford a college course (at 19years old) and is unemployed, can they seek benefits and then get the course free, and do a part time job? .. and stil get benefits?
What are some good book series about Wolves?
I don't want a book that involves wolves (like Twilight), I want a book completely about them, kinda like Warriors or like Seekers. I couldn't seem to find any on google, also, I don't really want a book by Scholastic.Thanks!
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